Digital Marketing Trends: AI vs Human Copywriters
Can you believe that, even though there are millions of people active online, the number of subscribers continues to increase every day? According to Invespcro, half of the world’s population will be using mobile devices to access the internet by 2020, while the percentage of the U.S. population with a social network profile will increase to 75% by the same year. Ecommerce is becoming increasingly popular among users, the highest number of e-Buyers registered in the U.K., Germany, South Korea, and the United States.

With all these being said, there is a high chance we will be switching from human services to an automated system by 2025. If you haven’t heard by now, AI or Artificial Intelligence is a mechanism-learning structure which makes it possible to construct robots and adjust them in such a way that they actually learn from experience. These mechanisms rely on natural language processing and deep learning to accomplish the tasks that they are constructed for, making humans’ jobs easier to handle.
These are just some of the multiple ideas in which AI will change the internet:
Natural Language Processing
Natural language processing is a branch of AI that helps machines comprehend, decipher, and operate the human language and speech. These technologies are implemented to ensure that computers understand how to process information in a practical manner. This branch of AI can be used for different purposes; some of the most common features are
- Assistance for e-mails
- Online Assistant for various companies
- E-commerce driver
- Extracts and summarizes relevant information
We are at the point in time when AI has already made a contribution to our society. Here are some of the few relevant examples:
- Machine translation through Google Translate
- SignAll converting signs into language
- Livox, the app specially created for people with disabilities
- Aircraft maintenance
- Predictive police work to identify motivation in crime
Targeting Content Using AI
Content curation is the process of gathering information from multiple online sources and compiling them into one final piece. This process helps marketers target subjects at specific populations instead of building up content for the wide public. To create a final piece, content curators must be very organized, focused, and most importantly, specialized in data analysis. More than that, content curators must make sure that the content engages readers and moves them through the marketing tunnel!
As you can see, there are many steps that content curators must take until they can actually bring in customers, which is why the use of Artificial Intelligence in this area is continuously increasing. AI helps marketers stay on top of their work by:
- Generating algorithms that help content curators come up with the needed target audience information
- Providing the ideas or questions that must be answered for the target audience
- Laying out concerns that, if solved, could eventually turn non-buyers into buyers
Impacts on Social Media and Email Marketing
Believe it or not, automating social media and email marketing content is a necessity in the world that we are living in. As we showed you at the beginning of this article, more than half of the U.S. population owns at least one social media account, raising the demand for eCommerce and eMarketing. Imagine if, instead of your regular marketers, you had an artificially intelligent machine create content for you – wouldn’t that be just so much easier? Wouldn’t that be cost-effective, time-saving, and productive?
The answer is yes – but the question is how? How can a robot build what humans once created using their own minds? Simple! Natural language processing algorithms can identify and generate words or phrases that are most relevant to social media and email marketing campaigns. This tool helps businesses automate their content in a hot second, increasing the likelihood of customer engagement!
Another important use of AI can be seen for numerical-based content businesses. If your company uses numerical databases to identify target audiences or recognize the most valuable marketing content needed, it could easily make use of AI. What artificial intelligence does is it turns numbers into a narration! To put it shortly, AI will build a story around your company’s boring databases.
Note: in the case your business is more word-concentrated than number-focused, there are still ways to use artificial intelligence for business enhancement and productivity boosting!
Humans are Valuable
- There are many limitations and disadvantages to using AI, including:
- There is no one-size-fits-all solution, meaning you will not be able to use various palettes of tools to carry out AI tasks; humans, on the other side, can do that.
- Artificial intelligence is based on codes, and those codes are generated by an algorithm; algorithms have been created by humans, so they nevertheless require human supervision.
- The costs of maintaining an AI apparatus can get really expensive, not to talk of the cost of buying it in the first place. Since the technological world is undergoing constant change, making an investment in this field might not be the most cost-effective choice.
- Creativity is left aside when humans use artificial intelligence, as everything that these mechanisms create is solely based on repetitive algorithms. Yes, machines could help humans when they are used as tools, but they should not be given more authority or power than necessary.
AI mechanisms are not able to think for themselves, even if some people would argue differently. Even if robots use natural language processing to communicate with you, they are not real; it the end, they are still machines, they do not have emotions, they lack creativity, and they won’t be able to answer all of your questions accordingly. We need humans to help humans, so make sure you do not give up on our valuable species to implement technical mechanisms that might or might not work.
More than 90% of today’s businesses apply artificial intelligence to their marketing strategies, generating high-quality content, impacting social media campaigns, and using online assistants for online chat services. Even if the percentage of people using technological tools is increasing, make sure you are not one of the leaders who replace real people with unreal, illusory mechanisms.
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