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REST APIs in Drupal

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Gurpreet Kaur


You must be familiar with words like intermediary, middleman and mediator. What do these words mean? Could they possibly denote a job profile? I think they can. An intermediary, a middleman and a mediator, all constitute a connection between two parties, they provide a line of communication that makes one access the other with ease; like a store manager, he allows the consumer to access the products of the manufacturer. Without him, sales would be pretty difficult to do. 

Bringing the conversation back to the topic at hand, an API is essentially an intermediary, a middleman or a mediator. The Application Programming Interface provides access to your users and clients to the information they are seeking from you. The information provider uses an API to hand the information over to the information user through a set of definitions and protocols. 

In decoupled Drupal, the API layer provides the connection between the separated front-end and back-end layers. Without it, decoupling would not be possible, since there won’t be a way to transmit content from the backend to the presentation layer. 

There are quite a few APIs that perform impressive functions, but today we would only be enunciating REST API. So, let’s delve right in.

What makes REST API important?

The REST: API logo is displayed in the centre.

REST API, RESTful API or Representational State Transfer is built on the constraints of the REST architecture. It is renowned to make development easy by supporting HTTP methods, handling errors along with other RESTful conventions. Since REST capitalises on HTTP, there isn’t a need for installing a separate library or software to capitalise REST’s design, making development all the more easy.

A representation of the state of the resource is transferred to the requestor, when REST API is used to make a request. It could be done in numerous formats, namely JSON, HTML, XLT or your plain old text, through HTTP. 

If you asked me what the best things about REST is, I would have to say it is its flexibility. The REST API is designed to be flexible because it is not tied to certain methods and resources. Therefore, it can handle multiple types of calls, transform structurally and return data formats as well. Such versatility makes REST competent to provide for all the diverse needs your consumers may have. 

REST cannot be defined as a protocol or a standard, rather a set of architectural principles would be a more accurate description. These principles make an API become a RESTful API. So, let us understand these constraints to understand REST API better. 

The Segregated Client and Server 

This principle states that the client and the server are to be independent of each other leading to more opportunities for growth and efficiency. Since the separation of concerns would allow a mobile app to make changes without those changes affecting the server and vice-versa, the organisation would grow far more quickly and efficiently.

The Independent Calls

A call made using REST API is just that, one call; it has all the potential data for completing a task in and by itself. If a REST API has to be dependent on the data stored on a server for each individual call, it would not be very effective in its job. It has all the necessary data with itself, making REST API very reliable. This principle is known as the state of being stateless.

The Cacheable Data 

Now you would think that since REST API stores such massive amounts of data in itself, it would increase your overheads. However, this is a misconception. REST was built to work with cache, meaning it can store cacheable data. This ability helps in reducing the number of API interactions drastically leading to reduced server usage and consequently faster apps. 

The Appropriate Interface 

Decoupling mandates the implementation of an interface that is not tightly connected to the API providing uniformity to application development. This can be achieved by using HTTP along with URI resources, CRUD and JSON.

The Layered System 

REST API works with a layered system; what this means is that each server, be it security or load-balancing, is set into a hierarchy. This constraints the component behaviour so that one cannot see beyond its layer. 

The New Code 

Finally, there is the Code on Demand, this principle that gives you the option to transmit code or applets through the API layer and this code or applet would actually be used in the application. This principle allows you to build applications that do not just rely on their own code. However, the security concerns have made it the least used of them all.

All of these are essentially the guiding principles of REST API, along with that they also lay emphasis on the work REST can do for you and your application; this, highlighting its importance.

Exploring REST API in Drupal

The Drupal logo is towards the left and REST logo is towards the right with an arrow in the middle.

Now that you know the importance and principles of REST API, it is time to move one to its exploration. REST API can be explored in Drupal through a number of modules, all you have to know is where to look and what to exactly look for. For the same reason, here is the list that would make consuming REST API seem like a walk in the park.  

Drupal Core Modules

There are certain REST modules that are so popular that they have become a part of Drupal core. These are;

RESTful web services

RESTful Web Services is a module that takes advantage of Entity API to provide you the information of all entity types, be it nodes, comments, taxonomy terms or your users. Being built over the Serialization module, it gives you customisation and extension of the RESTful API. It also has the ability to expose additional resources along with adding authentication mechanisms, which can be applied to any of the resources. 

Serialization and Serialization API

The primary purpose of the serialization module is to de-serialize data to and from formats such as JSON and XML. You can simply call it a service provider for the same. 

The Serialization API is based on the Symfony Serializer Component. Its numerous features have made it quite advantageous to the users. 

  • For one, it can serialize and deserialize data;
  • It helps in encoding and decoding to and from new serialization formats respectively, you can read data and also write it;
  • It can also normalize and denormalize data and set it into a new normalization format. 


HAL is an acronym for Hypertext Application Language. This module uses its namesake to serialise entities. With features similar to the Serialization module, it is often regarded as an extension of the same. The HAL hypermedia format has the potential of being encoded in JSON as well as XML. Being a part of Drupal Core, it is the most sought after format.

This is a module that lets you test drive as well. Yes, once it is installed and configured, you can test drive your site through the HAL browser by simply providing JSON data.

HTTP Basic Authentication 

You must be familiar with the term authentication, the working of HTTP Basic Auth is similar to that. What it does is takes a request, identifies the username and the password of the user and authenticates them against Drupal. It does so by implementing the HTTP Basic protocol, which essentially encodes the username and the password and adds the same in an Authorization header; and all of this done within a request. 

It is to be noted that this module does not use an interface, it acts as a support for Drupal’s Authentication Manager. 

The Alternates of Basic Authentication 

Basic Auth is an important module in the REST API, therefore, certain alternatives are also available to be used in its place. 

OAuth 1.0

The OAuth 1.0 standards are implemented by OAuth 1.0 module to be used in Drupal. It provides a foundation to the modules that want to use the OAuth. 

In Drupal 8, this module achieves the feat of leveraging the OAuth PECL Extension, leading to the implementation of the authentication provider

Simple OAuth(Oauth2) & OpenID Connect

Simple OAuth can be described as the implementation of OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework RFC. In Drupal, it is a module that makes use of the PHP library OAuth 2.0 Server, which is a part of The League of Extraordinary Packages. Let me tell you something about this library so you know how valuable it is, it has actually become a standard for the modern PHP. With it being thoroughly tested, you can’t go wrong; still you would need to check your options at the time of deciding a project to use. 

Coming to OpenID Connect, it comes along with OAuth 2.0, being an identity layer on top of its protocol. It helps you verify the identity of the end users along with fetching their basic profile information.


The name OAuth2 JWT SSO does clear up notions of what it actually does, all three acronyms are at work. It can work with Drupal's very own OAuth 2.0. The reason being its ability to configure Drupal so that both centralized and remote authentication services can be used. 

Like its name suggests, it also works with JWT and SSO, which is short for Single Sign On. It can capitalise on any SSO, provided that it uses OAuth2 as its authentication framework, and JWT as its Bearer token. 

Cookie Based Authentication

If you have ever used a website, you would then know what a cookie actually is. Was it just today when you declined that ‘accept cookies’ request? These help a website to recognise users so that they do not have to log in again. 

Now, web applications tend to use cookie-based authentication, which they implement differently. However, at the end of each day, they will have some cookies set up that would represent an authenticated user. A cookie is transmitted along with every request and the session is deserialized from a store. 


More than 20,000  sites have been reported to use this very module. It is known to be fully feature-packed, its maintainers have the same thoughts. 

Coming to its abilities, REST UI provides an interface to configure Drupal 8’s REST module. Due to its handy configuration, you won’t find a need to play with Drupal’s configuration import page. This fact not only benefits the novice Drupal users, but also expedites your configuration by a substantial time margin. You can simply install it by using the default approach, Drush or the Drupal Console. 


REST API is pretty versatile in its features and Drupal has all the necessary modules to consume it in an optimised manner. If you had to choose a thread to hold your front and backend together, I would say that REST API would not let you down. However, that would only be possible, if you know how to capitalise it using Drupal. I hope I would have enlightened you about the same through this blog. To learn about other web services available in Drupal in addition to REST, read about GraphQL and JSON:API.


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