Over the years, OpenSense Labs has attended many Drupal events. From Drupal 7 to Drupal 8, many new things have come and gone. But what remains constant is the love and kindness we receive every year from the community.
Once again, this year’s DrupalCon Europe was the most awaited event organized in Amsterdam. The commitment and collaborative efforts of the community enthrall us with its captivating energy and motivates us to come back every year with more enthusiasm. Our team learns heaps about Drupal every year at DrupalCon.

With two sessions and a proud tag of being a silver sponsor, we attended the DrupalCon Amsterdam 2019. Our team discussed their experience, learnings and case studies in the following sessions:
Content Marketing for Drupal Agencies

This session discusses how organizations new in the Drupal community or wanting to start their content marketing endeavors can take the first step. With an airtight content production flow and keeping the agile practices handy, Devanshu and Vid gave an overview of our own content marketing course of actions and how we achieved 1100% growth in 8 months.
In case you missed it, you can catch the session here:
Hardships faced while theming eCommerce sites in Drupal 8
We couldn’t be grateful enough for the technology and the DrupalCon committee that gave us this opportunity to take this session remotely.

Considering the difficulties faced by beginners while theming eCommerce sites, this session was framed to simplify the theming for product pages, checkout flows, and similar tasks. Our team gave a break up of the whole process and concluded with an abridged form for the theming of commerce site with Drupal 8.
Here's the session for you:
Not to forget our Drupal Architect, Gaurav Kapoor, who bagged a scholarship and mentored the sprints at the DrupalCon. He shares, “It is a great feeling to be recognized for your efforts and contributions. I am honored to receive a grant from DrupalCon and I believe that the spirit of the Drupal community only gets stronger with such initiatives. I mentored a sprint at the event and participated with my team as a silver sponsor. This sense of belonging is what I admire the most about Drupal.” As an added reward, he also managed to bag a picture with Dries.

These happy faces reflect the fulfilled hearts and are only a small proof of how genuine and valuable these moments are for us as a Drupal agency. OpenSense Labs has always been an ardent admirer of the Drupal community. Thank you DrupalCon for letting us be a part of it!
Do you have memories from the DrupalCon to share? Comment or contact us at [email protected]
Also, connect with us on our social media channels: Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter for more such insights.
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