7 takeaways for driving millennials to your website
The millennials are currently the largest population in the world right now, and they have large spending power. There are many characteristics of this generation that make them very important and one to keep around you and on your website. Yet, they are exposed to too much information daily that it’s easy for them to lose track of your website or not even realize its existence at all.

It is therefore important for you to know how to attract this important set of people to your website and keep them coming back to it. In this age we are in, there are certain features that your website ought to have to be able to attract the millennial generation as your audience, chief of those is consistent and high-quality content. “Content is king” is a mantra that’s about 20 years old, but with each passing day, it becomes truer with this generation. It’s practically impossible to attract anybody without good content.
Social media, videos, and reviews are other things that you need to attract this generation. Millennials generally like to visualize things, interact with people and read about stuff they want to commit themselves to. So, it's best you are able to capitalize on all of these. There is also an increased number of people moving around and doing everything with their smartphones, so, it’s only reasonable that your website is responsive with mobile devices if you’re seeking to target the millennials.
To help you reach your goal of having the millennial audience on your website, here are 7 things that your website needs:
A Call To Action
When millennials visit a website, they want to have an interactive experience on the website. This is exactly why there are a ton of them on social media platforms, blogs, and sites like Reddit where there are popular discussions. They enjoy these platforms because of their participation and engagement, and these platforms are run by user-generated content (USG).
You must be able to combine information on your site for the user, as well as, make them take action. Creating an avenue where they can interact on your website and carry out actions such as sharing contents from your site to other social media platforms or interacting with other users keeps them on your website. However, the CTA that you’ll use depends largely on the type of website you own.
Website Attractiveness
This generation is very interested in what they see, and what it looks like. This is because they are used to the constant improvement and generation of web design. It’s important that your website looks like a modern website and not like something from the 90s. I, personally have once exited a website simply because I did not like the website’s fonts. It looked very much like a typewriter’s font, it felt weird, archaic, and boring for me to read. Now, that website might have great content, but I couldn’t read it to determine that because I did not find it attractive.
Your website should have good graphics and a wonderful combination of colours.
Missing Page Or Missing Content
Now many websites use backlinks to link their site from another site or blog to increase traffic. It’s also a common strategy to link a page on your site to another content on your site to keep your website visitor on your site for much longer. While this is a very effective strategy, you must ensure that all your links are intact, and none is broken.
A very quick way to make a millennial huffy from your site is for them to follow a link to a page on your site and the ‘error 404’ pops up. Access is very important for millennials. For instance, if a millennial clicks on a site such as Dissertation Today for their assignment help. They want to click on the link and see the contents they require, and this keeps them going.
User Reviews
Peer review is very important for millennials. They generally tend to listen to their peers and read other reviews about a particular product or brand or anything before they commit to it. 95% of millennials take their friends' review of a product as credible. You must learn to capitalize on this.
Get other users to review the product or service on your website and showcase those reviews on different social media platforms and on your web pages. People are more willing to review your product and service than you are willing to ask. So, start asking for reviews. People who like what you do will give you great reviews, and even help you publicize as well.
The Use Of Videos And Social Media
The best way to pass information across to millennials is in videos, images, and texts. It is easier to get the attention of this generation with videos with many millennials confessing to using YouTube as the source of many things they have learned. You can draw their attention in this way too by adding videos to your website.
The importance of and popularity of social media among this generation is another tool you have to capitalize on to draw them to your site.
Millennials do not mind sharing their personal habits, and preferences online. They are in fact, twice as likely to share their social media profiles and cell phone numbers as the baby boomers. This, therefore, presents you with a unique opportunity to provide them with personalized user experience. Personalizing their landing page gives them a feeling of unique web experience and helps you to retain them.
Content is king
It amounts to nothing if you provide millennials with all the above without having anything tangible to offer in the form of content. The content might not attract people to your site but it keeps them there, and it keeps them coming back.
The millennial generation is a curious and knowledge-thirsty generation. Your consistency in delivering high-quality content that passes across the right information and teaches the right thing will go a long way in attracting millennials to your site.
Millennials spend more time with their mobile smartphones, and less time with computers. They do most things with their phone, so, it is important that your website is mobile compatible if it’s going to attract millennials. Also, they definitely would not drop their phones just to sit in front of a computer to check up your site. They will not do it if they can’t do it with their phones.
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