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HowTo: Add Google maps in Drupal 8

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Google Maps is the easiest way to display a map on your website. Google maps provide web mapping that is capable to channelize in a convenient method with geolocation. Quite popular, it is a widely used element to provide directions through your website. Drupal provides an API to embed Google Maps to your website. 

In this blog, I will show an implementation of simple Google maps on the website using the Simple Google Map Module. Another way to do so is by using Drupal Geolocation Module. 

Working With the Geolocation Module

This modules provides an advance entity and work Google API if you want to some other features in your website map use geolocation module if you want to use a simple map in your website so use Simple google map module.

The Geolocation Module provides various fields to store geographical location, area, longitude, and latitude.

How to Add Google Maps?

Download the module. Go to Admin > Extend > Install Geolocation.


Use the following drush code 

Drush en Geolocation -y

A Geolocation field can be used with all fieldable entities and work with Google Maps API. 

enabling geo location
  • In the field, we can add label or field name called as geolocation and hit Save and continue. Add the Geolocation Field 

Click on Admin >  Structure >  Content types > Article > Manage Fields.

adding new field as geo location

A Geolocation Field manages map settings in the website and provides a feature to embed a map with a website. 

  • Get the Google Maps API Key

Google provides an API key to add a map in the field and this API key act as a permit. An API key is necessary for the Geolocation module to function properly. Enable your Google map API before getting an API key.

google maps documentation page, getting the API

After finding the API key go on to field settings.

enabling google maps JavaScript API
  • Select an API key.
adding api key

Copy the key or hit the Done. Go back to your Drupal website. Open Admin > Configuration > Geolocation Settings.

Paste the API key into the Google maps API key button.

adding goolge maps api for work in google API Authentication method

Select the authentication method for API. Here I select an API for work and Save Configuration.

  • Add the Geolocation Field in Content type.
selecting Map as label

After selecting a geolocation field we able to configure a various setting in the field.

  • Configure the Display

In Display configuration, enable a Geolocation Google Geocoder API. Click on manage display.

  • Change the display option for the address field to “Geolocation Google map API -Map”.

    After enabling the API you can easily add a map in your blog or site.

    If a map is not showing on your website change map widget to "Geolocation Google Maps API / Geocoding and Map" and click on Manage Display.selecting geo location demo single
  • Change the display option for the address field to Geolocation Google Maps API-Map.
  • Now it’s time a field configuration is completed and you can easily add a map to your site. You can easily add a map to your Drupal site with content.
adding content on the website with google maps above the editor

After adding a content in the body or set your location on map hit save button and go to your site. Your site looks like this. Here's what my demo looks like.

opensense labs logo on top right wth content and google map at bottom

Google maps are important not just to be informative but also for better UX. And it is very easy to add them on your Drupal website as well. In case of any query, feel free to comment below. 


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